i put zero effort into this carrd's layout. sorry

here are some of my beliefs/opinions. please refrain from sending asks about them. I won't answer. If you feel that your question/criticism is absolutely vital, send it to @involuntary-cell-biologist

Let's jump into the most controversial topics on this hellsite then:

  • Exclusionism in the LGBT community: If someone feels like they belong in the community, they are welcome. People should feel safe, no matter their label/identity. There is no "queer enough". Queer is queer. This includes most MOGAI labels. Exception: identities that literally state in their description that they are harmful to/hateful towards another group of peope. (e.g. superstraight/gay, "pedosexual", sexualities like "i date all men except asians", "i am a lesbian but i don't date bi women", "i'm a gay man but fat men aren't included in my sexuality")

  • Bi/Pan discourse: I am against identity policing. From what I know, everyone defines those terms differently and that is okay. Identifying as one over the other isn't a political statement it's literally just a label so i don't understand why there is so much discourse over it. It doesn't matter if they are the same or not. Identifying as bi isn't panphobic and vice versa. It's only a problem when people somehow make it transphobic ("i like men and women but also trans men and trans women so im not bi, i'm pan"). However, neither bi not pan is inherently transphobic.

  • lesbian flag discourse: I'm not a lesbian i don't have an opinion on which flag is the "correct" one. However, i think sending lesbians asks like "you're using the wrong flag use this one instead" is a shitty thing to do. Just let people use the flags they want.

  • He/Him lesbians, She/Her gays, anyone that uses pronouns that "don't correspond with their gender": pronouns are just some words we made up to make talking about other people easier. Anyone can use any pronoun they want, no matter what label they use for their gender identity.

  • Neopronouns/-genders: Gender is made up in my opinion, there is no difference between genders. However, this made up concept is so prevalent in our society that we can't escape it so everyone just finds a label that describes themselves best. If that label is for example voidgender and the person uses void/voidself pronouns, that's just as valid as someone who identifies as male with he/him. It's all just language to explain how we feel.

  • is it transphobic to not date trans people?: Depends on the reasoning behind it tbh. Example: a cis straight woman: if she were to say "i don't differentiate between trans men and cis men, they're all just men to me and i don't treat them differently at all. However, i do have a genital preference and i don't want to sleep with people who have a vagina", that's not transphobic. It's her personal sex life and she just prefers her partner to have a certain physical trait. It would be transphobic if she said "i don't date trans men because i am straight. I only date real men." The second example is something a lot of 'superstraights/-gays' do. the super- prefix treats trans people as if they were a different gender than the cis counterparts. That's what makes it transphobic.

  • the word queer: it includes everyone that is not cishet and that makes it awesome. you don't have to disclose all the details of your attraction or gender, you can use it if you're questioning things, it can be used by literally anyone who wants to use it. It's not a slur. "queer" is sometimes used to discriminate against people, but so is "gay" or "lesbian" and those aren't slurs either. If someone is uncomfortable with the word queer being used for themselves, that is okay and you shouldn't force it on them. But those people have no right to tell others not to identify with it.

  • do you need dysphoria to be trans: nope. if you feel like identifying as another gender will make you happier, you are trans enough. after you come out, you are not obligated to change your appearance in order to pass. your gender expression is your business. If someone knows your correct name and pronouns, they should use them no matter how well you pass. there is no "taking resources away from real trans people" or "making the trans community look bad". Those are just beliefs that keep us from actually improving the support system for our community. Transphobes are transphobic because they're bigots, not because someone expresses their gender in a non-traditional way. If there's a lack of resources like therapy or hormones, that is because the health care system doesn't care enough about trans people. The goal should be to make them care enough to provide resources for all of us, not to fight over who gets the resources and who doesn't.

  • heterophobia, reverse racism, misandry, cisphobia,etc.: all of these are based on the oppressor thinking they're suddenly being oppressed, when marginalized groups express their anger. To compare heterophobia to homophobia is really dumb and makes no sense. straight people aren't oppressed by the system and gay people don't have the systemic power to oppress them. The same goes for the other examples.

  • kinks at pride: im against BDSM stuff at the main parade. There's two reasons for that: First of all, minor safety. A 13-year old shouldn't be introduced to bondage and stuff just because they wanted to go on a parade to celebrate their own identity. Secondly, it's a consent issue. Most BDSM practicioners will refrain from directly interacting with other people at the parade, which should be a given. However, they are still interacting with the rest of the parade by showing up in a leather dog mask and being walked on a leash. They are making the rest of the parade part of their kink and it's impossible to get the consent of everyone there. I understand that historically, stuff like that is part of pride, but as our community expands, we need to adapt a little. "But if someone doesn't consent to seeing it, they just shouldn't come to pride at all."-There's afterparties at every pride parade and BDSM stuff could just be included in those. That way you're not excluding a huge part of people who just want to celebrate their identity by going to the main parade without being part of a kink.

( Made with Carrd )